Three of us have made Bukit Tabur our playground. Whenever we don't have anything planned for the weekend and we feel like doing hiking and rock climbing, Bukit Tabur will be our choice! This week, two colleagues joined us. Both of them enjoyed the experience and they don't mind coming back again!
i love all the 3 pics!!
Azinda, you have no choice but to like the pics right! Kamera sape pulak kan? I like the way each one of us held our hands high! 3 persons and 3 different style!
glad tht u had recovered from ur slipped disc, and could resume ur hiking xtvy. btw, hm...still in d mood raya rite? why dun .... :)
I love the pic also! Strong come back abang
John, as usual my mega trip will be once a year. Perhaps next year, I am going to Korbu!
::: cantik gambar! jeless tgk nih! rajin tul bro panjat tabur dlm bulan syawal tuuuhh.. good to know u r ok now.. stay healthy bro.. selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir batin!
Reactivate, kalau balik ke Kg Baru tu, beritahu je lah, boleh ikut kami ke Tabur!
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